A few words about us

If you or your loved one is going through the tribulations of drug addiction, we offer a place to recover at our drug rehab center. Don’t worry, help is here and it is accessible. Before you do anything, however, you need to make sure that you have completely eliminated any traces of denial. After you have come to terms that you are going through a problem you cannot solve or overcome on your own, you will be able to enter our addiction treatment center for substance abuse recovery that is completely customized to your needs, comprehensively altered to meet them, and built upon an established structure that is effective and focused.


What We Do…

What you need more than anything is a personalized addiction treatment that will bend to your needs and comprehensively altered to continue to meet them as your situation changes. No two people are the same. No two addictions are the same. No two addiction treatments should be the same.

How We Do…

You need treatment that includes dual diagnosis, which is when you have more than one disorder underlying your addiction. We will provide you this diagnosis and any additional mental health treatment you need to overcome this.

Why We Do…

Almost half the people who are struggling with addiction are also going through an underlying mental health disorder. We need to assess the whole you, and treat the overall problems you have. Whatever they may be.

Start Today Your Recovery

This is only possible, however, with total and complete honesty. We ask that you are fully open and transparent with the professionals who work every day to help clients overcome this. If you are not truthful with them, they will not know how to help you. If they do not know how you are suffering, then they cannot help you.